
Showing posts from November, 2022
 Battles for Delhi - Rishi Dandamis and Alexander the Great -  Another great sage Alexander met dueing his entry into India was Rishi Dandamis. Alexander was fascinated by the holy men of India and their philosophies. He sent one of his generals to bring Dandamis over or else the sage would be beheaded. The sage was lying almost naked in his abode and non-chalantly told the general that he had no fear of death as the soul was immortal and would go to God. He told the General if Alexander wanted to meet him, he had to come himself to the sage. On hearing this Alexander came to meet Rishi Dandamis and pent over an hour conversing with him.
 Battles for Delhi ---- India has been invaded by many invaders through the ages.. some say Semiramis the Assyrian queen, then Darius the Persian King, Alexander of Macedonia, Huns; Arabs, Turks, Mughals, Persians and the British. The story of India has been one of continuous struggle to fight evil eyes cast on it. Whenever India has been strong and united, it has defeated the invaders. Whenever it has been weak, it has succumbed to foreign rule. A lot of attention has been paid to battles like Panipat, Plassey, Assaye where forces defending India have lost. But there have been long periods in between where a strong India triumphed against invading forces. The book "Battles for Delhi...Dilli kareeb ast" refers to a mix of such wins and losses.